senator James Bond Kamwambi

MP James Bond Kamwambi Contact information

Here you will find contact information for MP James Bond Kamwambi, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name James Bond Kamwambi
Role MP
district Karonga
district Karonga North West
Party Democratic Progressive Party
Entered Office 2014 - 2021
Term expires 5 February 2021
Phone number
email Email Form
former MP James Bond Kamwambi
He served as a member of the National Assembly of Malawi for the Democratic Progressive Party, representing Karonga North West[2] from 2014 till his death on 5 February 2021 from COVID-19 in Chitipa during the COVID-19 pandemic in Malawi.

He served as a member of the National Assembly of Malawi for the Democratic Progressive Party, representing Karonga North West from 2014 till his death on 5 February 2021 from COVID-19 in Chitipa during the COVID-19 pandemic in Malawi.

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